Crate rump [] [src]

A WAMP Client built on pure Rust.

Currently only bare Publish and Subcribe events are implemented. Many standard features are also missing.


Publish and subscribe to two sample topics on a realm.

use rump::client::Client;
use rump::message::WampType;
use std::collections::HashMap;

// connect to a local router at the realm "realm1"
let mut session = Client::new("ws://localhost:8080/ws", "realm1").connect().unwrap(); 

let mut kwarg_map = HashMap::new();
kwarg_map.insert("some_key", "some_value");
kwarg_map.insert("another_key", "another_value");

let args = vec![WampType::i32(42), WampType::String("hello from rust!".to_string())];
let kwargs = WampType::Map(kwarg_map);

// publish the positional args (42, "hello from rust!") and the keyword argument
// {"some_key": "some_value", "another_key", "another_value"} on the sample topic URI
session.publish("com.myapp.topic1", args, kwargs); 
// If we wanted to write a complementary client to receive the published argument,
// we can use the following code ...

// Our sample struct to receive the kwarg map
// Note: it must have the RustcDecodable trait from rustc-serialize
struct TestStruct {
    some_key: String,
    another_key: String,

// define a callback to be called when the event is published
let callback = |payload| {
    // get the arguments from the payload
    let (value, greeting) : (i64, String) = payload.decode_args().unwrap();
    let sample_map : TestStruct = payload.decode_kwargs().unwrap();

    // we can do some other work with this function...
session.subscribe("com.myapp.topic2", callback);





A struct representing the payload that's received from a WAMP event.



All types that can be sent to/from a WAMP Router Used to publish hetereogenous arguments

Type Definitions
